Lieber Herr Silbermann,
Sie haben den Verkauf meines Hauses zu meiner vollsten Zufriedenheit komplett abgewickelt, obwohl ich nicht selbst nach Mallorca reisen konnte, ich danke Ihnen dafür recht herzlich. Auch die Mithilfe ihrer Tochter hat mir sehr geholfen, auch hierfür vielen Dank. Selbst bei Fragen die über den Verkauf hinausgingen, wurde mir sehr gut geholfen.
Viele Grüße nach Mallorca
Renate M.
Lieber Herr Silbermann,
voller Stolz habe ich Ihre Zeilen vernommen und ich muß sagen,
ich bin angenehm angetan einen solchen Menschen zu kennen.
Gott möge Ihnen die Kraft und seinen Segen geben damit Sie
noch lange und erfolgreich arbeiten können.
Es grüßt Sie und Ihre Tochter von Herzen
Ihr Werner M.
Christoph and his team have helped us very much in realizing our dream of a real estate acquisition on Mallorca's East Coast in 2016/2017. It has always been a great pleasure to work together with Christoph on this project.
He and his team were always reliable, very honest and open-minded. They showed us a couple of adequate objects, consulted on request but never tried to influence us or push us into one or the other direction. After we had focused on one of the objects, they gave us all information necessary and offered us several re-visits of the object in order to give us the opportunity to really know the house and to check and ask everything we would need for our final decision.
Also the buying process in 2017 was managed very professionally: It was our first real estate acquisition in Mallorca and we had heard some horror stories about possible legal problems and even rogueries in these transactions, but with this office all that was out of question. And our confidence in the professionality of their service was fully justified: even although we had some exotic wishes on the legal construction, they handled all the transaction very transparent and reliable.
After the acquisition was finalized, Christoph and his team were always open to assist and help us in many situations. Christoph and his team always had and still have our full confidence and they have always lived up to it 100 per cent. So we are proud to say that from the start of a business relationship in the last two years a prof und feeling of trust, and I dare to say: friendship, has emerged.
We thank Christoph and his team for the support provided and wish them all the best for the business under a new brand.
(Contact data available on request through Immo Selection Mallorca)